Better-Than-Confetti-Cake Pancakes

Seriously- this was the BEST protein pancake EVER!! No Joke, I had CAKE for breakfast. You know Pillsbury’s Confetti Cake? Yup, this was better.  These pancakes were moist, fluffy, thick, beautiful, birthday-party-in-your-mouth-amazingness. I think the secret here was the sugar-free pudding powder. I’m going to experiment more with different flavors, powders, and measures just for fun….But honestly, I don’t think I need to mess with this. If you haven’t tried a protein pancake yet, THIS is the one to try.

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Better -Than- Confetti- Cake Pancakes
  1. Add egg whites, milk and vanilla extract in small bowl and whisk.
  2. Combine dry ingredients in a separate small bowl.
  3. Add the wet ingredients to dry and mix well.
  4. Heat a non-stick pan to med-high heat and cook pancakes about 3 min on each side.
  5. Combine your topping ingredients and spread on top of your pancakes.
  6. Brace yourself for AMAZINGNESS.