Homemade Turkey Broth

Leftover whole turkey or chicken? Don’t toss it!! Making homemade broth is really simple, and tastes 100 times better than the boxed stuff. Super nutritious too!

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Homemade Turkey Stock
homemade broth
homemade broth
  1. Place all parts of turkey or chicken in a LARGE soup pot.
  2. If you roasted the meat with carrots or celery, throw that in there too! Or cut some up and throw it in for extra flavor. Add enough water to cover all the ingredients, plus a little more.
  3. Simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. Using a strainer with a large pot underneath, pour the stock into the strainer (slowly) so you can discard the veggies and bones. That’s it!
  4. Store in the fridge for a few days.
