Ingredient: pumpkin puree

Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies

Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies

 This morning, I decided to stalk Anna’s blog for some baking inspiration. Most of my protein cookies have been fails, and I wanted to step up my game. So after reading through some of her recipes and tips, these Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies were born! They taste […]

Pumpkin Pizza Crust

Pumpkin Pizza Crust

This pizza cannot not be more perfect for fall (Hi, pumpkin!). No waiting for the dough to rise- this pizza cooks up quick! Great alternative for a healthy pizza crust. Just the crust: Print Recipe Pumpkin-Based Protein Pizza! Servings Ingredients 1/4 cup pumpkin puree1/4 cup […]

Pumpkin Protein Bars

Pumpkin Protein Bars

So, I’m pretty much obsessed with pumpkin. Not only is it delish, but its only 80 calories for one cup and its amazing in soups, pancakes, breads, or just as a side dish. I decided I wanted to make a protein/snack bar using pumpkin. I […]
