5 Health and Wellness Things I’m Loving Right Now- January

Health and wellness goes beyond just working out and eating right. If we aren’t taking care of ourselves both mentally and physically, it’s impossible to feel our absolute best. This list includes things that are part of my daily or weekly routine to nourish my body, relieve stress, and improve my mind, body and soul.

Here we go!

Butcher Box: Butcher Box is your one stop shop for 100% grass fed beef, heritage pork and free range organic chicken. I make every effort to eat high quality meat for both my health and the environment. Why go organic? The meat is leaner, richer in omega-3’s and hormone and pesticide free. Each serving comes out to less than $6 per serving and shipping is FREE. Win!

More info here!

Beekeeper’s Naturals “Bee Powered”: Bee Powered is a blend of raw honey, royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis. Why is this awesome? All of these ingredients come from nature (thank you bees!) and have incredible health benefits:

Click here to buy!

Bee Powered

Raw honey (no, not the one in the teddy bear) is chock full of minerals and antioxidants

Propolis BLOWS MY MIND. It is the sticky substances that bees create from plant exudates and is described as “nature’s antibiotic”. It is a powerful substance that has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects.

Royal Jelly is food fit for the Queen Bee (it’s actually all she eats!). It acts as a brain booster to prevent brain fog, promote memory and protect against neural inflammation.

 Bee Pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants. It contains more protein per gram than any animal food! Perfect addition to a post-workout meal.

I take a teaspoon of Bee Powered right from the jar every day as part of my morning routine. The story behind this company is awesome, so you should definitely read all about it on their site!

Essential Oils: The use of essential oils as alternative antimicrobial and pharmaceutical agents date as far back as 4500 BC! According to Aruvedic to their medicinal properties, essential oils are believed to enhance spiritual and emotional health. I’ve been obsessed with adding a drop of peppermint oil to my water for a refreshing drink (Bonus: It promotes digestive health!). I’ve also been using lavender hand sanitizing spray as a healthier alternative to alcohol based sanitizers. It smells AMAZING and there’s no harsh chemicals drying out my hands. Other oils promote more restful sleep, ease pain, calm anxiety, heal cuts and scars, reduce inflammation and SO much more.

Quality is important! I recommend dOTERRA.



The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson: After the 4th or 5th time I heard someone recommend this book, I decided to download it on my Kindle. The first few pages you’ll laugh out loud, but then Mark hits you with the harshest dose of reality you never knew you needed. While most self-help books are all rainbows and butterflies, Mark basically tells you to get off your high horse and get your sh*t together. Figure out what’s important and stop wasting energy on what’s not. The funny thing is, he tells you that this book isn’t meant to bring you hope or to make you feel good. But I can honestly say I felt amazing after I finished it. Read this book if you want to simplify your life, feel more alive and not give a f*ck about all the little things that aren’t important in the end.

Acupuncture: I tried acupuncture years ago. The last time I went, I got super queasy (I’m weird about needles) and counted down the seconds until the doctor came back in to check on me (like 20 minutes later!). About 1-2 months ago, my boyfriend convinced me to join him for a session at City Acupuncture. It’s community acupuncture, so there are other people in the room with you (it’s not creepy at all, I swear). This immediately made me feel way more comfortable, especially since the doctor stays in the room the whole time.

I’m always looking for new things to try! What are your favorite health and wellness things right now? Comment below!
