5 Health and Wellness Things I’m Loving Right Now – October

I wrote a blog post like this a few months ago and thought it was fun sharing my current favorites when it comes to beauty products, self-help books (or just for pleasure!), supplements, healthy snacks – basically whatever I’m into that month. If you enjoy these posts, let me know in the comments below and I’ll plan on doing them more often!

Four Sigmiatic Reishi Hot Cocoa: You’ve probably seen this a million times on my Insta Story. Foursigmatic is an AMAZING company that found a way to combine functional mushrooms and adaptogens into delicious coffees, teas and elixirs. Mushrooms such as Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane have been used for their medicinal properties for thousands of years and there are thousands of studies to back up those ancient traditions. The reishi hot cacao is always part of my nighttime routine. Reishi mushroom has been found to decrease sleep latency (helps you fall asleep faster) and promotes better, deeper sleep. It seriously works!! Get 10% off your first order here!

Four Sigmatic Mushroom Matcha Drink with Lion’s Mane and Ginger:  I recently became obsessed with matcha tea lattes, but spending $6 on one was starting to feel ridiculous. Foursigmatic recently came out with this drink mix and I love it! Besides getting the incredible health benefits of matcha, Lion’s Mane is a mushroom (it actually does look like a lion’s mane) that has been shown to have anti-tumor, anti-hyperlipidemia, anti-fatigue, and anti-aging effects. What I think is most fascinating is its ability to promote nerve growth factor, which is involved in nerve cell regeneration and growth. For this reason, studies have been looking at Lion’s Mane as a therapy for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. FASCINATING. I usually add 1-2 teaspoons to a shaker bottle with unsweetened almond milk and stevia for a midday pick-me-up! Get 10% off your first order here!


Cora Tampons: Things that don’t belong in your vagina: Pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, BPA. Non-organic cotton used in popular feminine care products are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides and contain chemicals and fragrances you certainly wouldn’t want to eat, so why put it inside your lady parts?! Also, most plastic applicators contain BPA which disrupts normal hormone function and has been linked to cancer. I LOVE Cora tampons because they use organic cotton which is not only better for our body, but for the environment as well. You can subscribe monthly to receive Cora products right before your period. With every purchase of Cora products, the company will provide pads and healthcare to a girl in need.

Find them here!

Native Deodorant: In college, I was part of the “Holistic Living” club (along with like, 5 other people LOL) and I volunteered at the local co-op to support the farmers and get discounts on my groceries. I was doing my best to live “naturally”, but the one thing I could not do was swap out my brand name deodorant for Tom’s (which was basically the only “natural” one available at the time). IT DID NOT WORK. I pretty much gave up ever since until I heard about Native. I was skeptical but ordered their trial package to give it a try. I am now OBSESSED. They have amazing, but not overpowering scents that actually keep you dry and smell-free (even after a tough workout!). They use recognizable ingredients such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, beeswax, probiotics and more. Unlike big-name brands, Native DOES NOT contain parabens, aluminum, and sulfates.

organic deodorant, natural deodorant

Heart Talk by Cleo Wade: I keep this book on my bedside table and read it whenever I want to feel warm and cozy inside. The book is full of poetry and words of wisdom. She writes notes in the margins of the book and encourages readers to write in it, rip out pages and read it completely out of order. This one is one of my favorites:

a love note to my body: 

a love note to my body:

first of all,
I want to say
thank you.

for the heart you kept beating
even when it was broken

for every answer you gave me in my gut

for loving me back
even when I didn’t know how to love you

for every time you recovered when I pushed you past our limits

for today,

for waking up.

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