Are You At Your Set Point Weight?

Finding Your Set Point Weight

Forget the BMI charts and Ideal Body Weight calculators for a second:

Do you know your set-point weight?

Your set-point weight is the weight range at which your body can comfortably maintain while eating an appropriate amount of food. This may be different from the weight that you desire to be or think you “should” be.

If you’re a chronic dieter it’s likely that you may be over or under your set point weight. According to researchers, your set point weight is a range of about 10-20 lbs in which your body will sit comfortably and resist change. Notice that it is a range, not a single number. Fluctuations are signs that your body is adapting to different stages of your life – it’s a normal, beautiful thing!

This 10-20 lb range is where you are most metabolically efficient, your hormones are balanced, sex drive is healthy and overall you’re feeling well and fabulous. Basically, your set point weight is the weight at which nature intended you thrive.

If you have to drastically cut calories, cut out food groups, or deprive yourself of food in any way to see a certain number on the scale, then you are likely not at your set point weight.

If you gain weight quickly when you deviate from you usual “plan”, it’s likely because a) you’re under-eating on a regular basis or b) you’re not at your set point weight and your body is fighting to be there.

How do you get to your set point? First, think about your current eating habits and how your body feels on a day-to-day basis. Are you constantly thinking about food? Cutting out food groups? Skipping meals? Feeling tired or irritable most of the time? If you have to engage in any of these behaviors to be at your current weight, this might not be where your body wants to be.

Reconnecting with your body and giving yourself adequate fuel is necessary for getting to this happy place, but it takes consistency to get there. And letting go of any rigid food rules can feel really challenging.

If you’ve been dieting for a long time this all might sound really scary. Maybe like a free-for-all. But the truth is, you’re not truly in control when you are dieting or restricting to become that “perfect number” – the diet is in control. And let’s be real, diets work….until they don’t.

Finding your set point weight is such a freeing revelation – something we all deserve. I highly recommend working with a qualified dietitian to give you the tools and support you need during this process. Look for someone that might practice intuitive eating or has a non-diet approach. Any questions, comment below!