Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies

 This morning, I decided to stalk Anna’s blog for some baking inspiration. Most of my protein cookies have been fails, and I wanted to step up my game. So after reading through some of her recipes and tips, these Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies were born! They taste surprisingly rich – and aren’t rubbery like most protein cookies.  Perfect midday or pre-workout snack!

dark chocolate protein cookies

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Dark Chocolate Protein Cookies
dark chocolate protein cookies
dark chocolate protein cookies
  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Beat egg. Combine egg with all remaining ingredients (I mixed it in a large bowl).
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Drop cookie batter by the tablespoon onto the paper. Flatten the tops slightly with the back of a spoon for a better shape (don’t get too crazy- the batter is sticky!).
  4. Bake 10 minutes or until done.
