
Should You Be Taking A Collagen Supplement?

Should You Be Taking A Collagen Supplement?

Collagen supplements are all the trend lately, being touted as the “must-have” beauty supplement. And I get it. The promise of thicker and longer hair, smooth and glowing skin, less aches and pain, and improved gut health sounds pretty freaking good. With anything that sounds […]

How to Handle “Food Pushers”

How to Handle “Food Pushers”

“Come on, just a taste!”  “Here, take the last scoop- I know it’s your favorite!” You’re at Thanksgiving dinner. You’re comfortably full and satisfied. Your loving, well-intentioned grandmother comes at you with a huge scoop of stuffing and nods towards your plate. What do you […]

How NOT To Freak Out About Thanksgiving

How NOT To Freak Out About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving: The time of year that we come together and celebrate with food. So many of my clients have a lot of anxiety leading up to this holiday. For some, they fear “ruining” their hard-earned progress. For others, they fear holidays that revolve around food […]

Pumpkin Flavored Everything

Pumpkin Flavored Everything

The pumpkin craze is at an all time high. The food industry has been keeping up with the demands to pumpkin-ize almost everything from Pop Tarts and bread to yogurt and coffee. While it’s increasingly becoming an obsession all year round, pumpkin is truly in […]

Hair, Nails, and Skin Supplements: Do They Actually Work?

Hair, Nails, and Skin Supplements: Do They Actually Work?

I was at a beauty event for Fashion Week recently. On the way out, I was given a goody bag that included a bottle of Nature’s Made Hair, Skin, and Nails Gummies. It’s a pretty pink bottle that claims to provide “the vital nutrients your […]

Kitchen Essentials for the New Cook

Kitchen Essentials for the New Cook

Have you decided to cook more at home in the New Year? Before you start collecting recipes, it’s a good idea to evaluate your kitchen. Having the proper equipment to prep, cook, and store food is essential for success. I like keeping cooking simple and […]

Popular Sugar Substitutes: Which Ones Are Healthy?

Popular Sugar Substitutes: Which Ones Are Healthy?

There is conflicting research around the use of artificial sweeteners. While real sugar is fine in moderation, too much can contribute to the development of diabetes, tooth decay, heart disease, obesity, and more. Furthermore, too much can cause your blood sugar to spike and then […]

Influencers + Disordered Eating

Influencers + Disordered Eating

I’ve been using Instagram (IG) for about two years. It started out as a way for me to post pictures of food I made, and to draw traffic to my new blog. I learned all the popular hashtags to use, and started to discover other […]

Mercury Levels in Fish

Mercury Levels in Fish

I often get questions about the safety of eating fish several times a week. So when I came across the National Resources Defense Council chart that ranks fish based in their level of mercury, I thought it would be great to share. According to the […]

Review: Beyond Meat Chicken-Free Strips

Review: Beyond Meat Chicken-Free Strips

I was so pumped for my Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s shopping spree today. I love having a fully stocked fridge with all my go-to foods. Whole Foods is the only grocery store that sells some of my favorite vegetarian including Soy Boy Baked Tofu, […]

Healthy Snacks: Cottage Cheese

Healthy Snacks: Cottage Cheese

I LOVE cottage cheese. It’s packed with protein and can be dressed up as savory or sweet depending on what you add to it. There’s really no reason to buy fat-free cottage cheese. A little fat not only makes it taste better, but it’s more […]